Saturday, April 7, 2012

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

By: Director of Marketing, Pam Sowder

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you just know something big is about to happen. It is a feeling, a hunch, or what I always like to think of as “a knowing”. You just can’t put that feeling into words, but you know you need to act on it. When I first heard about the Ultimate Body Applicator™, I felt that I was really onto something that could be huge. It was just a hunch, but I went for it. Our company is still virtually unheard of, but our time is now and that means it is time for you to go to work.

This business model is called Network Marketing and what that means is you build a network of people marketing products to the people that they know, and, over time, your business will far exceed your expectations, but it begins with you. You have to start this, and my suggestion is that you go for it now and don’t wait another minute. Timing is of the essence. It is important to understand the momentum we are experiencing in this very important time in our company history. You can’t buy momentum but you can capitalize on it. So, what does that mean? It simply means that more people will come into your business quicker than ever before because, without knowing why, they too just get a feeling that they don’t want to miss something big.

So what should you be doing every day? What I love about what we do is that we keep the main thing the main thing, and the main thing is that we wrap people. That’s it; that’s what you should be doing. You simply offer to let them try the wrap for “X” amount of dollars to see what they think. Then the wrap does the rest of the work. We make way too much of what we are supposed to do, and what we are supposed to do is simply wrap people. Once the product is applied, just wait 45 minutes, and during that time, offer to show them the catalog, the Success from Home magazine, or simply talk to them about their life, and just allow the applicator to do the magic. After the 45 minutes, you get the results and ask them if they would like to continue to try the products as a customer or would they like to look at the business as an opportunity. Whatever they decide is fine because the main thing is to just get the wrap on people and let them decide. I love this. It is so simple that we miss it. All that you’re supposed to do to be successful is wrap people. That is it! So what are you waiting for? Go wrap somebody!

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